Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Resuming with a Fresh Outlook

After a very long time, I've finally gathered the motivation and determination necessary to write a blog again. My previous blog - Attitudes are Contagious was kept for over a period of 2 years and it contains many memorable bits and pieces of my life along with more trivial things such as poems.

What came to my attention later was the sheer range of people who were reading that blog and how many of them misconstrued the postings within that blog to be something else. Here would be an example:

My previous blog included entries with numerous poems and song lyrics - both of which were written for a Poetry Class. Yet, coincidentally, I came to find out later that people who dug up my blog (such as an ex's significant other or even my own significant other) misinterpreted these poems to be regarding my ex even though chronologically speaking - these poems were written far before that particular relationship was concluded.

I found this revelation to be slightly surprising and slightly humorous because it made me realize that just as much as people love to speculate even with limited information by filling in the unknown by using their imaginations. I've considered including a disclaimer with each entry this time but what would it say? This bit stumps me.

DISCLAIMER: Assume with caution
CAUTION: DO NOT feed inaccurate interpretations with speculation of limited details

But then I realize that despite disclaimers, people will proceed to bend things in a way they would like to see them and would wish to believe - and this is something that I cannot influence.

Now then, onto more intriguing matters - Why have I titled this blog Noetic Rogue? What does noetic mean?

/noʊˈɛtɪk/noh-et-ik (adjective)

1. of or pertaining to the mind.
2. originating in or apprehended by the reason.

/roʊg/rohg (noun, adjective)
1. a dishonest, knavish person; scoundrel.
2. a playfully mischievous person; scamp: The youngest boys are little rogues.
3. a tramp or vagabond.
4. a rogue elephant or other animal of similar disposition.
5. Biology. a usually inferior organism, esp. a plant, varying markedly from the normal. –verb (used without object)
6. to live or act as a rogue. –verb (used with object)
7. to cheat.
8. to uproot or destroy (plants, etc., that do not conform to a desired standard).
9. to perform this operation upon: to rogue a field. –adjective
10. (of an animal) having an abnormally savage or unpredictable disposition, as a rogue elephant. 11. no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; deviating, renegade: a rogue cop; a rogue union local.

The reason behind the careful selection of this careful paradox is as follows:
As most personal affiliates are aware of my mischevious, spontaneous personality which has earned me the alias of Rogue, there has always been an underlying morally-driven aspect to my mean streak. The last few years have brought with them an abundance of realizations and truths about myself, people around me, and human nature in general.

It is interesting for me to observe, evaluate, and reflect on these incidents to find patterns. One of the most frequent patterns that I noticed - a quality...nay a flaw in many people that often disappointed me and additionally served as a flag of deeper issues was the inability of some folks to lay aside their emotions/ego/pride aside to do the right reasonable thing. Instead they made decisions which didn't go very well, that even they cannot seem to justify or understand.

I write with the hopes that perhaps these thoughts - these words which I send out may be of use to someone else in understanding that they are not alone - that even though many people may not be who or what you expect them to be - that there are always wiser ways of going about the decisions which take place both during and after these encounters.

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