Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Oceanside of Sausalito's Point Bonita & San Francisco's Sutro Baths

A few of the snaps taken recently of the oceanside, the lighting, and scenery was very moody thanks to the rain. Enjoy.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Until Eternal Sleep

It would be nice
if we could put away and throw out
everything except what really mattered, but
reality is just cruel.

In such times,
I see you laughing,
whenever I close my eyes.

Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will,
have to stay with me without fail.

People are all sad, so
they go and forget, but--

For that which I should love,
For that which gives me love,
I will do what I can.

Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
We got hurt, didn't we?

Until the day I reach eternal sleep,
that smiling face will,
have to stay with me without fail.

Back then, when we met,
it was all awkward.
We went the long way, didn't we?
But perhaps we finally get there in the end.


Well, so I never went back,
I no longer suffer
From not going back, the sand had willed it,
All things are resolved by the sand -
And the lightening and thunder.
And as part wave and part channel,
syllable of salt, jewel of water,
I, sovereign and solitary, slave of the coast,
surrendered, chained to my rock.
There is no freedom anymore for us,
who are fragments of the mystery,
there is no way out for returning
to oneself, to the stone of oneself,
no other perduring stars remain now...except the sea.


There were only a few things,
Truly important and necessary,
And the rest were mainly decorations.

They might have been,
Like the armor
To protect myself from everything.

Let me say something more.
It was not comfort,
But the sense of loss,
That the unnecessary things brought to me.

Don't misunderstand,
That I've reached the goal,
Things have just begun at last.

I have no wild ambition,
Don't take it too seriously.
In short, I only want what I want
That's what I say...

Even if it's destiny or fate,
I'll change that,
Because I've fully seen,
Fearful things.

If you are afraid of changes,
Watch me at a distance.
Whether or not I may do something,
It makes no difference.
Let it be.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Pair of Hands

Forever unable to leave this place,
Only because here, there's a scenery that I'm familiar with.

If one day I were to return here again,
Using the same eyes to gaze at the same sky,
Will it still seem just as beautiful?
Maybe I am thinking too much again,
I should go sleep and talk about it tomorrow.

The step that is unable to be taken because of cowardice,
As time goes by,
Unconsciously it becomes a longer road,
It feels as if everything is too late.

Slowly, I realize that the place I am in now
Is not too bad either.
Yes, I have found myself a few good excuses.

To tell the truth, I have never fully understood,
But I've acted as if I knew everything.
Forever unable to leave this place,
Only because here, there's a scenery that I'm familiar with.

All the feelings are so small it's not worth mentioning
It seems like it's just a slight brush,
Or maybe it is because the sky that you see when you raise your head
Is too wide and endless.
Or maybe it is because I wish to stay by your side.

Even though it cannot be anymore clear in my head,
But those strangers who brush by your shoulders,
Are still making me look back with envy.

Longing for something that you do not have,
How long do you want to continue wishing for it?
When I begin to understand that feeling like this,
First started from the time I'd met you.

Everything is in these pair of hands,
Dreams cannot just be thrown in here,
Everything is in these pair of hands,
Denying the pre-arranged future...

Everything is in these pair of hands,
If there is no action, how can there be movement?
Everything is in these pair of hands,
If you do not take the first step, how can there be a beginning?


My feet are like erasers
Stealing mistakes back from time
Canines sharp from eating shards,
Of a life I've left behind.

Fingernails driven deep into dirt,
By the hammer of my mind,
Purging flaws to fuel the fire,
Up the same ladder, I climb,

Time is like a snail,
My head is like a sieve,
My hands are like those of vendors,
With nothing left to give.

With my back to the wind,
I jump off these cliffs,
And kill myself to live.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Even now I don't understand,
The meaning of growing up

I wonder
Where that girl or that boy in my memory,
Is now walking and aiming for.

Daybreak comes quickly these days,
The scent of wind has changed.

It seems familiar and unfamiliar,
It makes my heartbeat quicker,
Sweet and sad.

We ran through the road to the sea,
Screaming with laughter innocently,
In the far away summer days.

Those childhood memories are still in my heart,
We never knew,
What would be waiting for us in our futures.

What is left is what we chose,
And it's not casual at all.

If the universe has a will,
I think it has surely worked upon us,
Tender and precious as we are.

How many times have I sought for something,
Found and lost it,
Since that time?

But your smile has taught me,
That we are now,
At the closest place we'll ever be to forever...

What journey will we make,
in our limited time?


Her vision, from the constant passing of bars,
Has grown so weary that it cannot hold,
anything else.

It seems to her that there are,
a thousand bars; and behind those world.

As she paces in cramped circles, over and over,
the movement of her powerful strides,
is like a ritual dance around a center,
in which a mighty will stands paralyzed.

Only at times, the curtain of the pupils,
lifts, quietly - an image enters in.
rushes down through the tensed, arrested muscles,
plunges into the heart - and is gone.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let's Wait

Other days still to come,
are rising like bread
or waiting like chairs or a pharmacopeia, or merchandise,
a factory of days in the making:
artisans of the soul,
are building and weight and preparing,
days bitter or precious
that will knock at your door in due time
to award you with a delicious orange,
or murder you in cold blood where you stand.

Going Blind

She sat just like the others at the table,
But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup,
a little differently as she picked it up.
She smiled once, quietly. It was almost painful.

And when they'd finished and it was time to stand,
and slowly, as chance selected them, one by one, they left.
And moved through many rooms - they talked and laughed,
I saw her, She was moving far behind.

The others absorbed, like someone who will soon,
have to sing before a large assembly;
upon her eyes, which were radiant with sorrow and joy,
light played upon the surface of a pool.

She followed slowly, taking a long time,
as though there were some invisible obstacle in the way;
and yet, as though once it was overcome,
she would finally be beyond all walking, and fly away.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Ebbs and Flows of Relationships

So I've been meaning on writing about this for awhile especially due to the myraid of events, during which I've noticed a lot of different changes within myself along with the relationships (professional, friendships, etc) I have had with the people around me but for now, I'll focus more on discussing the latter.

As people who personally know me already know - my initial reaction with most things is to just draw internally, deal with it, and reflect on it which probably means that I'm not going to be as available. Usually by the time I do reconnect with people - I've already made decisions and dealt with it. This is just the way it is and it will probably never change but most of all - it works for me. I don't see it as an unhealthy thing to do because it forces me to pause, pay attention to details, and realize things that I may have missed. Before labeling this unavailability as unhealthy reclusiveness, stop to consider that throughout history - people are encouraged to pause from their daily events to reflect inwardly, and in the process - reconnect with themselves. Infact, you may commonly find this process being referred to as 'meditation'.

Talking about problems with friends has its own benefits because there is always the chance that you will come across insight that is worthy of consideration - but it should never replace your own capacity to confidently make a decision. I also am not averse to discussing matters with my own friends (though usually this takes place in a sequence where I've already got a pretty good idea of how I am going to approach it) or having them discuss things with me. However, it's also just as important to remember that it may not always as accurate. Fact remains that they are not you, they are not in your situation AS you being who you currently are, and most (if not all) of the time, whatever insight anyone other than you offer is based off their own speculation which may or may not be true. Always remember this before you decide on the insight they have offered and how you will let it effect your own decisions regarding the subject discussed. Why am I saying this? Because too often I see people who easily conform to the habit of letting others' dictate decisions which are their own to make and then manifest them into actions.

The adversities you encounter are your own, those decisions - whether they are the right thing to do or end up being mistakes - are your own to make, and they are your OWN lessons to learn. For someone to allow getting themselves into the habit of absolutely having to discuss each and every detail of their life before making a decision that they feel comfortable about acting on is depriving themselves of becoming self sufficient, self connected, and self-assured independent individual without requiring validation from others. At some point, one should aim to be able to review their own situation accurately enough to feel confident about making a decision themselves, and even to be able to distinguish whether that situation is even worthy of excessive worrying or disappointment or if that situation is a petty one that should just be brushed aside.

What I notice around me sometimes is when people get overly reliant upon others to discuss things and when the content of these discussions usually tends to revolve around particularly petty negative occurances in their own lives. I've come across a lot of this myself - and how I am today - once I become aware that this is happening, I will refuse to further encourage it because again...

A) It encourages the insecurity that fuels taking petty instances and allowing them to become negative factors which can then further manifest in the form of negative, possibly destructive actions.

B) Related to point A, it also discourages someone from becoming self sufficient in assessing their own situations, evaluating it, and being able to figure out a solution that they can personally feel confidant about.

I do not agree with the fact that a person is any less of a friend simply because they are not as available (unless they are ALWAYS unavailable and there is a distinct pattern there). I also don't believe a real friend is someone "who's ALWAYS there to listen, give advice, and do things for you". I don't believe a real friend is someone who will encourage dependency or actions bred from insecurity. In my opinion, these kind of relationships are unhealthy in their own manner as they take away the opportunity for personal growth amongst both parties.

It's too bad if a friendship can change so drastically due to someone's unavailablity (particularly if this unavailability has been explained on more than one occassion as being due to them dealing with their own personal matters) and it's particularly disappointing if it compels someone to try to control or guilt trip the unavailable friend through immature means. If any relationship is to change so drastically simply because one member cannot deal with the fact that another is temporarily unavailable. If it compels someone to take a more juvenile approach which consists of guilt tripping the other for not being available (or trying to impose controling the relationship in any other way) as opposed to respecting the other enough to give them the space to resolve whatever it is that they must resolve - then this kind of a relationship would be something that may have to be reconsidered before continuing onward.

As change is the law of life and likewise, all relationships have their ebbs and flows where they grow close and grow apart as each go in their own direction. Over the years, what I've noticed is that unstable imbalanced relationships often come into light during the time spent apart and these have the tendency to suffer greatly or falter over time. They will drive each other away - possibly even for good. However, the stable more balanced relationships will weather the ebbs and flows, embrace the changes in their own way, becoming stronger and more solid as a result. These are the kind that do not need the constant showering of attention or maintenance, they do not place demands, or place guilt, and can be picked up wherever they may be left off. Actually, the best way to sum up this is up the difference between inter-dependent relationships as opposed to co-dependent relationships. If the former also have that special elements of understanding and integrity present, then it has all the makings of what forms a stable relationship. The kinds that can ofen last a lifetime.

I also found this list on another site - many points worth of consideration and I am trying to make myself within this post:

1.) Don’t make assumptions that the changes in your friend are conscious, or that they mean that your friend doesn’t value your relationship. Consider that your friend may have things going on in his or her life that affect behavior.

2.) Let your friend know how you feel about the state of your relationship, as openly and honestly as possible. You might choose to write your thoughts down in a letter, or set aside time with your friend for a heart-to-heart chat. If your friendship is a priority to you, let your friend know that you’re willing to do what it takes to regain your closeness.

3.) As hard as it might be, try not to dwell on the past and play the “blame game.” Instead, focus on changes that the two of you can make in the future to repair the relationship in a healthy way.

4.) Give your friend all the space he or she needs to explore his or her new interests. Just because you’re both into different sports and activities doesn’t mean you don’t have a lot of other things that you share, including the history of your relationship!

5.) The most important thing to remember when it comes to our changing relationships is that change is normal— it’s part of being a human. Don’t believe me? Flip through an old photo album and see how different you look now, and try to remember the things that were important to you when each picture was taken. My guess is that you have grown and evolved in more ways than you could have ever imagined.

6.) Embrace and appreciate the changes in ourselves and our friends. If we do this and stay true to ourselves in the process, then we’ll no doubt find ourselves with friendships that can stand the test of time.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Movie Spoof Reels (Batman)

Do share if any of you happen come across more of these!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

And another new blog is born!

So since including cooking recipes from time to time was cluttering up and didn't exactly coincide well with the other subject matter on this personal blog or my other design blog, I've chosen to shift all those cooking-related posts and subject matters to a new blog completely.

Most of the recipes will probably be Indian dishes, or with an Indian spin, however - I would like to include other dishes from around the world along with improvisations (regardless of whether or not they went well) complete with visual references.

You may go and visit it here to visit and drool over a few mouthgasmic recipes. You're welcome.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ascend Enlightement on Yanko Design

So it recently came to my attention that a design website called Yanko Design posted up my design concept, Ascend Enlightenment, which was pretty cool.

Click here to view Ascend Enlightenment on Yanko Design

Though the fact that I had been unaware of their post on Ascend Enlightenment kind of confused me since no one from Yanko Design had contacted me prior to posting about it on their website.

Unless I am mistaken, I was under the impression that usually it is custom to ask permission before posting or at least inform someone at some point that they would be posting about their work. Apart from this confusion, it certainly was exciting to read the comments, criticisms, and the feedback made since the posting of that concept on Yanko.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cancer the Cause of Fungus?

An intensely intriguing approach to curing cancer suggested by Italian Oncologist, Dr. Tullio Simoncini. This video features Doug Kaufman interviewing Dr. Tullio Simoncini, regarding details about his new revolutionary theory about cancer being caused by fungus. His approach to treat the cancer as a fungus itself seems to carry the promise of a safe, speedy, and effective cancer cure by using Sodium Bicarbonate to treat cancer sites (with the aid of catheters).

Compared to current options used to treat cancer - Surgery, Chemo, and Radition, the results of Dr. Simoncini's approach seem to be painless, profoundly effective within just the matter of days, and cause little to no harm to the healthy cells around it.

It's rather surprising that I've not seen or heard about this covered in any other news media...and quite the claim to make that despite how long and hard people have been studying cancer, that they never though to actually broke it down to consider what the tumor itself was consisted of or caused by. Don't know how much truth that holds in actuality but if such is the case - then that's terrible.

Hopefully this treatment is as effective as it claims to be and continues to work wonders while being applicable to most, if not all forms of cancer and will save lives. Being so simple, I'd imagine it to be worth a try before resorting to the other more detrimental forms of therapy!

For people who may be further interest in reading more about this - here are a few websites to follow more about this:

Dr. Toullio Simoncini's Website
Doug Kaufman's Website
Dr. Mercola's Article

Hurray for thinking out of the box! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Peddling Crack for the Ears: Morgan Page (Feat: Lissie)'s 'Longest Road'

The rare exception to me not minding something with a country theme to it...very contemporary and different at that.

Longest Road (Original Version)

Longest Road (Deadmau5 Remix)


Giddy up and go
We’ll go so far as we please
Giddy up and gold mine
Different place, different time
All the stars are in their prime
Pastel trailer park, stars so bright to hide the dark
All is quiet in the yard
Giddy up and gold dust, all the cars turn to rust
You’ve got no means for wanderlust
Pastel trailer park, stars so bright to hide the dark
All is quiet in the yard

If you are so frequently in love
If you prefer it all to me then my love
You go down the longest road to nowhere
You pull it apart and you’re just left there

Giddy up and gold mine, horse dust down time
It’s my life, it’s my time, we’ve been gettin’ nowhere
Gold mine, different place, different time
Hold me down, hold me down
Hope will be found, follow me

If you are so frequently in love
If you prefer it all to me then my love
You go down the longest road to nowhere
You pull it apart and you’re just left there

They’re waiting for it, you’re waiting for it
And you’re waving in it, and you’re craving in it
If you fill my cup with all you must
To speak from something

If you are so frequently in love
If you prefer it all to me then my love
You go down the longest road to nowhere
You pull it apart and you’re just left there
You go down the longest road to nowhere
You pull it apart and you’re just left there

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Peddling Crack for the Ears: Coldplay's 'White Shadows (Morgan Page Remix)'

Ran into this Coldplay remix recently...and its a very upbeat well-done remix

White Shadows (Morgan Page Remix)

White Shadows (Original)


When I was a young boy I tried to listen
And I wanna feel like that,
Little white shadows blink and miss them
Part of a system, I am

If you ever feel like something's missing
Things you'll never understand,
Little white shadows sparkle and glisten,
Part of a system, a plan

All this noise I'm waking up
All this space I'm taking up
All this sound is breaking up

Ooh oh ooh

Maybe you'll get what you wanted
Maybe you'll stumble upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state

Maybe you'll know when you see it
Maybe if you say it you'll mean it
And when you find it you'll keep it
In a permanent state, a permanent state

When I was a young boy I tried to listen,
Don't you wanna feel like that?
You're part of the human race
All of the stars in the outer space,
Part of a system, a plan

All this noise I'm waking up
All this space I'm taking up
I cannot hear you're breaking up


Maybe you'll get what you wanted
Maybe you'll stumble upon it
Everything you ever wanted
In a permanent state

Maybe you'll know when you see it
Maybe if you say it you'll mean it
And when you find it you'll keep it
In a permanent state, a permanent state

Swimmin' on a sea of faces
The tide of the human races, oh
An answer now is what I need
I see it in the new sun rising and
See it break on your horizon, oh
Come on love, stay with me

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Ways In Which Hollywood Enlightens Us

* If being chased through town, you can usually take cover in a passing St.
Patrick's Day parade - at any time of the year and at any part of the world.

* All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets which reach up to the armpit level on a woman but only to waist level on the man lying beside her.

* All grocery shopping bags contain at least one stick of French Bread.

* Love will always find you. Especially if you're on a boat.

* It's easy for anyone to land a plane provided that there is someone in the control tower to talk you through it. But have no fear, because if all else fails, then even a completely inexperienced plane passenger can always find and successfully operate a parachute.

* Once applied, lipstick will never rub off - even while scuba diving.

* The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place. No-one will ever think of looking for you in there and you can travel to any other part of the building you want without difficulty.

* If you need to reload your gun, you will always have more ammunition - even if you haven't been carrying any before now. You will also find yourself to be an excellent marksman - naturally.

* You're very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home.

* Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German officer, it will not be necessary to speak the language. A German accent will do.

* If your town is threatened by an imminent natural disaster or killer beast, the mayor's first concern will be the tourist trade or his forthcoming art exhibition.

* The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris.

* A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.

* If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.

* While it may be completely acceptable to wear nothing else but a red bindi with your professional western attire to emphasize that you are of South Asian origin, the assassins on the roof on the building across consider it an excellent discreet target for their laser-guided sniper rifles.

* When paying for a taxi, don't look at your wallet as you take out a bill - just grab one at random and hand it over. It will always be the exact fare.

* Mother Nature made sure that interbreeding is genetically possible with any creature from elsewhere in the universe.

* Kitchens don't have light switches. When entering a kitchen at night, you should open the fridge door and utilize that light instead.

* If staying in a haunted house, women should always investigate any strange noises in their most revealing underwear, robe, or towel. They should also change near the window that does not have curtains drawn.

* Mothers routinely cook eggs, bacon and waffles for their family every morning even though their husband and children never have time to eat it.

* A single match will be sufficient to light up a room the size of RFK Stadium.

* Medieval peasants had perfect teeth.

* Although in the 20th century it is possible to fire weapons at an object out of our visual range, people of the 23rd century will have lost this technology.

* Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.

* It is not necessary to say hello or goodbye when beginning or ending phone conversations.

* Even when driving down a perfectly straight road it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments.

* All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they're going to go off and there is always access to the wiring so you can disable just before it explodes.

* It is always possible to park directly outside the building you are visiting.

* A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.

* If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you bump into will know all the steps.

* Most laptop computers are powerful enough to override the communication systems of any invading alien civilization.

* Opponents who can easily be overpowered are always standing alone or walking at the end of the line just waiting to be knocked out and disrobed.

* It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts - your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors.

* When a person is knocked unconscious by a blow to the head, they will never suffer a concussion or brain damage, and they will never consider filing a lawsuit against the deliverer of the blow either.

* No-one involved in a car chase, hijacking, explosion, volcanic eruption or alien invasion will ever go into shock.

* Police Departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.

* When they are alone, all foreigners prefer to speak English to each other.

* You can always find a chainsaw or an ax when you need one.

* Any lock can be picked by a credit card or a paper clip in seconds - unless it's the door to a burning building with a child trapped inside.

* An electric fence, powerful enough to kill a dinosaur will cause no lasting damage to an eight year old child.

* Television news bulletins usually contain a story that affects you personally at that precise moment.

* The person with the guiltiest conscious will always redeem themselves by sacrificing their own life.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Age of Electronic Leashes & How I Cope With Them

Alright, I've been meaning to spill a few words of thought regarding this subject and just for clarification, the 'Electronic Leashes' I'm talking about doesn't have anything to do with dogs or cats. It has to do with humans.

The devices I'm referring to are any piece of electronic equipment which can be used for communication purposes. This means, emails, sms, texts, cell phones, pagers, social networks online, etc.

Not only do most people (family, friends, colleagues, business, other organizations) expect you to have one or more of the devices listed above, but you are expected to be constantly accessible. The ways in which these devices have transformed our world is staggering, and not just in the best of ways. Nowadays, if you just want to have your own space and not have to deal with each and every one trying to reach you, people go as far as guilt-tripping you and expecting you to back up your selected unavailability with an excuse. We also have the persistent aggressive people who will not readily accept the fact that you are not taking their call, and then persistently try to repeatedly reach you through the means of one or more of these electronic leashes.

Our modern day society has unquestionably embraced this unhealthy level of communication as a standard where certain regions are now having to enforce laws to limit using certain communication devices whilst being engaged with certain activities. The concept of 'privacy' is barely acknowledged - definitely not quite what it used to be.

Let's not forget what happens if you decide to miss a few calls. You will have a list of missed calls and a pile of voicemail to sift through of people expecting a call back on top of the currently incoming ones. Now I won't try to denounce 'etiquittes' of returning peoples' calls, but yea, aren't the expectations a bit too high here? Don't even try to answer with 'oh, but a 5 minute call wouldn't have hurt' - because you know what? You take that and multiply it by all the people who will try to connect to you - and suddenly, there is an endless cue of '5 minute calls' Should someone really become so offended if someone forgot to ring you back from time to time? Does that really have to be necessarily interpreted as you or your time not being as valuable?

The domineering factor of these excessively used noxious devices is overwhelming considering the phenomenal level of expectancy for one to be available. People are failing to realize that just because someone has one or more ways to be reached, it DOES NOT oblige one to have to respond to each and every incoming piece of correspondence.

Here are a few excerpts from one person's attempts in the last month. This persons happens to be a nice guy friend, too. It is nothing against the person, of course, but there are quite a few other instances where I receive similar messages from people who I would like to remain friends with and continue to respect. I am using these excerpts from this one person as just one example.

XXXX - if you dont hear from me again.. then assume that i'm dead.. lol.. cuz i think i'm pretty close to that :)
XXXX - but yes, it was really nice having you as a friend..

XXXX - hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
XXXX - if you don't speak now
XXXX - then i will never speak to you again

XXXX - gauri, i have been trying ot talk to you for weeks, where are you?

XXXX - are you there?
XXXX - gauri?
XXXX ugh, no1 talks to me anymore..
XXXX lol

XXXX - hi
XXXX - what did i do that you never reply to me...?

XXXX - i'mma buzz you tonite, untill you reply...
XXXX - seriously... what did i do that you dont reply to me anymore.......................
XXXX - hi
XXXX - everyone is ignoring me.. ugh
XXXX - what do i need to do.. to get your attention.. i used to like the old you... like 3 years ago.. you didnt know alot of ppl and i used to get your attention... n i used to like it alot :(

XXXX - dude, what is wrong with you?
XXXX - :'(
XXXX - gauri?
XXXX - :'(

If I had a nickle for each time people have been offended at my not taking to their calls or replying to their messages then I would be considerably richer, and if ignoring certain people from time to time is what I have to do to regain my privacy and risk myself being labeled as being uncommunicative or a flake or bad friend or a bitch, then so be it.

Being online, having my cell phone turned on, being signed into any messenger service, being on any kind of a social network, or having email does not oblige me to have to respond to every piece of correspondence. If someone doesn't get the hint and tries to be more aggressive in their attempts to contact me - then just be prepared to wait a bit longer than you normally would have to. My privacy, my alonetime and peace of mind will always take priority over the risk of anyone else being offended. I also probably won't be giving a 'heads up' because you know what that would require? It would require me to utilize the very electronic leashes that I'm trying to not utilize as frequently - save a few urgent matters.

I've come to realize that the frequency of my hermiting moments are largely related to how frequently some people try to reach me and expect an immediate response back. Don't try to guilt trip me to manipulate me, because clearly emotional blackmailing doesn't work. It does not make me any less of a 'good friend' and it doesn't mean that I do not value people. Of course I value people - but it does not mean that I will oblige myself to cater to unrealistic expectations thrust upon me nor the gross attempts to misuse the fact that you have means of accessing me. If I have given you access to any form of means of contacting me - then I have done that under the impression that I can trust you to use it wisely. So please respect my space just as I would respect yours, and do not prove me wrong by attempting to misuse these electronic devices as leashes.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Best Phone Message Ever By A True Catch

So this video was actually brought to my attention, and since it concerns San Francisco, not to mention it is an excessively awesome phone message, I just had to include it in my blog.

This phone message features, Dimitri, who left creepy voice messages for an elegant woman named Olga. Toronto newspapers identified Dimitri as James Sears, a former doctor stripped of his medical license after he was criminally convicted of sexually assaulting female patients (Visit Article Here).

Being a true catch, Sears has a website called Dimitri the Lover, and he’s part of a group calling themselves Toronto Real Men, and they claim to be part of the "seduction community."

Listen to the awesome voicemail Sears/Dimitri left for the elegant Olga of San Francisco:

Transcript of Message 1...
Sorry I had to leave such a rushed message with you when we met the other day. I just wanted to quickly give you my phone number, and needed to get the heck out of the area. In any event, I thought I had better leave you a more detailed message and explain why I approached you. I am single. I have no trouble meeting women; I mean, women approach me six or seven times a day. But I'm extremely particular about what I like. You're an extremely elegant woman. I couldn't take my eyes off you, and your friends were very jealous — even if they say they weren't, they were envious of the fact that I approached you, and I was very taken by you. Elegant women are very rare. I'm Greek and I'm extremely particular about what I like. So I'm giving you an opportunity here. I don't know if you picked up the message on the weekend but I'm working on a movie script so I'll be doing that all weekend…

This looks like a land line, and if it is you may not get the message till Monday. But when you do, call me and we'll get together for coffee or drinks, and let the romance begin. You looked very taken aback by my approach, and I hope that wasn't timidness, I hope it was just shock at being approached so directly. Because I don't really date timid women, because I'm a very direct, very passionate, very assertive man, and I want a woman who is very independent and strong. So… we'll talk about that, but I just wanted to formally introduce myself. I leave the ball in your court. You call me as soon as you have the courage to. Okay, Olga? Talk to you soon, bye."

Transcript of Message 2...
I left you a message several days ago you said you were interested. Now, here's the way I work. I don't like leaving second messages but I like you, you're a very elegant woman, you're very attractive, but, you know, I don't play that game. I know your friends tell you not to return calls; you're playing games like you see in stupid TV shows. So here's how it's gonna work. It is now 4:30 on Wednesday. Now I'll assume, I'll assume that you've already left work, because, you know, some people leave work early, so I'll grant you that. But if I don't receive a phone call back from you by 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon I'm no longer interested and I'm going to erase your number. I don't play games like that. I'm completely single, I'm very intelligent, I'm great in bed, I make great money. Believe it or not, I'm a complete catch. I've only been single four months; I had a long distance relationship for about a year, it's very tough to maintain it like that; there's nothing wrong with me. As a matter of fact I'm one of the few men in the city that has nothing wrong with him. So I'm giving you the three o'clock deadline. If I don't hear from you by then, you lose my number — I'm erasing your number right now, so you won't be hearing back from me.

So that's it: three o'clock tomorrow, or you can just completely forget it.

Now I understand if you've got other issues, maybe you're not playing games, I don't know… maybe you were abused in childhood?…Maybe your mother has cancer, and you're going to chemo…maybe you're just a person who's extremely frightened or has an anxiety disorder, maybe you're on some medication for that…I don't know, there could be another issue that I'm not aware of. But nobody says "Call me," hands a person a business card and then doesn't return calls. It's extremely passive aggressive. You should actually look that up, passive-aggressive personality disorder. You let me know, if you've got issues, psychological issues, if you're on any sort of medication for anxiety or depression, I'm not interested. But if you're psychologically normal, and you haven't called me because there's been some horrible thing that's happened in your life that's prevented you from returning my calls, that's fine. But otherwise? Don't call me. Okay, bye."

Taken from the Youtube Video Info:
The back story on this is that a girl named Olga was out with her friends in the Marina district of San Francisco (known for being a popular hang out for douches), and she talked to this guy named Dmitri for all of two minutes. Then she gave him her card and said "give me a call." The above is the messages he left. Listen to the whole thing, it just keeps getting better and better. I won't even tell you my favorite parts because i don't want to ruin anything. Just listen.

Recently we posted the phone messages that knucklehead "Dimitri" left for a girl named Olga. (I've listened to it in awe three times. The best part is the next day Gary Cooper-like high noon ultimatum.) The messages have spread on the web like influenza.

I was curious and did a little digging. It turns he is a "disgraced former doctor" named James Sears from Toronto. He calls himself "Dimitri the Lover." And the wheels are coming of the wagon quickly. His comeuppance is coming. Swift and sure.

He has been selling a "seduction manual" to losers in Toronto on how to seduce woman. And has held seminars -- at $40 bucks a pop -- to "teach" men tricks of the pick-up artist trade. Toronto newspaper The Sun wrote an expose on the guy last week.

James had his medical license stripped for "repeated sexual misconduct" sixteen years ago. His website has a radio interview where he uses the catchphrases "elegant" and "couldn't take my eyes of you" repeatedly. Just ridiculous.

Ladies, especially those of you in the Loyal 77 that read my columns, please be wary of any man that says, "You look so elegant. I just couldn't take my eyes off you." Kick that guy in the grapes.

--- End Youtube Video Info ---

For more information, visit Dimitri's Official Website to watch his self promotion animation, learn wonderful jewels of wisdom about how NOT to pick up women, and be sold memberships to the "anti-seduction community." His whole site, and story, is just to sell “how to get chicks and get laid” scam.

And this post simply would not be complete without a picture of our self-proclaimed romancing stud king of all stud kings:


Peddling Crack for the Ears: DJ Antoine's 'This Time'

Irresistibly Awesome

DJ Antoine - This Time (Klaas_Remix) - DJ Antoine


This time
you should
take me away

We stop at
nothing at all
take a chance now
right now
cause now I'm
losing Control
I'm ready to go

This time
you should
take me away
to a new place
where it does
keep night
on the sky

this time
this time
this time

This time
you should
take me away
to a new place

this time

Why don't we
step out of
lets just have a
good time
forget about
the to do's
and open the

This time
you should
take me away
to a new place

Where it does
keep night
on the sky

this time
this time
this time

This time
you should
take me away
to a new place

This time

Monday, June 30, 2008

Universe done bitchslapping me with badluck?

So during my period of unemployment, I had made it a point to try to keep myself busy and learning so I don't let this time be completely wasted since I really don't enjoy feeling like a bum most of the time.

I had signed myself up for two summer sessions very basic courses in Flash and Dreamweaver at a nearby community college. Since they were summer sessions, they would be very fast paced as it is concentrated within a period of 6 weeks. I have been teaching myself a bit more about these programs here and there, but I figured I should take a proper course to get a better overview of things updated in the CS3 Creative Suite, and hopefully it would include the latest/greatest tricks of the new CS3 versions. Since I have some personal projects of my own which I would like to pursue and put into action later this year, ones that focus on services/networking through the website, I figured why not?

However, keeping in mind that no emails or other notifications have been sent, I made my way over to the college and guess what?

Flash classes are canceled to the disappointment of myself and 20 others. No. Not a single student was made aware,. Infact, this announcement had been made only after everyone had been waiting outside the original designated classroom for the prior class to be dismissed... and the excuse? Very unclear. The Dean who came by to make the announcement pretty much went down a list of what seemed like potential excuses, and I along with the others doubt either was actually the accurate one. Conclusively, my choice currently are:

A) To wait until Fall to take the course for which I cannot enroll for until July

B) To see if I can transfer into the already full Distance Learning (DL) class which another disappointed guy discouraged me to do because he himself had taken a DL software program course 8 years ago and it just doesn't convey the material as well as a present instructor does. I agree with this myself, because if I had infact wanted to do a DL course instead, then I may as well have continued to teach myself via online tutorials. If I am paying the full amount of the course, I may as well have a person present to actually show and teach

C) Continue to teach myself via the abundance of resources of online tutorials

As for the Dreamweaver class, I came to find out that the version they had been teaching up till now was the Macromedia 2004 version. Super obsolete. However, the CS3 version will be taught starting this Fall. Wow. I had assumed it would be CS3 if not some other recent version. What's the point in teaching an obsolete software program? I will definitely have to drop that one and see if I can take it during the Fall instead else it would be completely pointless.

On the other hand, I can't help but wonder if this means that perhaps there's a job offer on the horizon which would have meant that I would have had to drop out of these courses anyhow. I guess will have to wait and see if the Universe is finally done bitchslapping me with bad luck, yet, or not.

At least I have my sabudana vadas to look forward to <3

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Old But Gold: Mahna Mahna - The Muppets

One of the most popular Muppet Songs - Mahna Mahna that is just ridiculously catchy. Needless to say, it is one of my faves, and best sung in a slow-moving elevator.

Friday, June 27, 2008

M.C. Cain in Da House! Werd.


My fellow Americans. This is DJ GW. They say I can't be big chief no more. Well, okay. I got the bestest candidate to take my place. His name is:

M.C. Cain
Yes John McCain
He's Indiana Jones meets GI Jane

M.C. Cain
Yes we Cain!
A Natural Born Leader like Saddam Housain

MC Cain in the house (I'm a SENATOR!!!)
MC Cain! And He's here to represent, cause he
Got well trained in the House (of REPRESENTATIVES)
Bout to keep it White in the White House (TRICK!)

I'm 71, and I'm pure white chocolate /
Dropped Vietnam Bombs right from my cockpit,
Got caught up, was a prisoner of war, / now
THAT's an inconvenient truth, suck it Al Gore! / Your

Warming Globe is a sissy distraction / from the
Main attraction / we're slappin' Iraq, son! /
Bringing the pain / our military is stayin' / til
Iraq's national choir starts singin' my name I aim

MC Cain in the house (I'm a SENATOR!!!)
MC Cain and he's here to represent, cause I
Got well trained in the House (of REPRESENTATIVES)
Bout to keep it White in the White House

He's Scottish and Irish, so my homeboy can't even get a tan
He'll keep us safe from Iraq, iGays and Iran
A Prisoner of War for 25 years
When he cries, he drops bombs, instead of tears.

MC Cain in the house (He's a SENATOR!!!)
MC Cain and I'm here to represent, cause I
Got well trained in the House (of REPRESENTATIVES)
Bout to keep it White in the White House (TRICK!)

MC Cain in the house (He's a SENATOR!!!)
MC Cain and I'm here to represent, cause I
Got well trained in the House (of REPRESENTATIVES)
Bout to keep it White in the White House (PEACE!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Old But Gold: The Travails of Single South Indian Men...

One of the best blog articles I have ever come across on the Internet regarding the "agony of long complex names" plaguing the lives South Indian men. And you people with your lungis tied too tight: I have nothing against Southies, so just take the article in good humor. Or not. Doesn't really make much of a difference either way.

---Begin Blog Article ---
"The Travails of Single South Indian men of conservative upbringing" or "Why we don't get any..."
Originally Posted by Sidin in his Blog back in 2004

Yet another action packed weekend in Mumbai, full of fun, frolic and introspection. I have learnt many things. For example having money when none of your friends have any is as good as not having any. And after spending much time in movie theatres, cafes and restaurants I have gathered many insights into the endless monotony that is the love life of South Indian men. What I have unearthed is most disheartening. Disheartening because comprehension of these truths will not change our status anytime soon. However there is also cause for joy. We never stood a chance anyway. What loads the dice against virile, gallant, well educated, good looking, sincere Mallus and Tamils? (Kandus were once among us, but Bangalore has changed all that.)

Our futures are shot to hell as soon as our parents bestow upon us names that are anything but alluring. I cannot imagine a more foolproof way of making sure the child remains single till classified advertisements or that maternal uncle in San Francisco thinks otherwise. Name him "Parthasarathy Venkatachalapthy" and his inherent capability to combat celibacy is obliterated before he could even talk. He will grow to be known as Partha. Before he knows, his smart, seductively named northy classmates start calling him Paratha. No woman in their right minds will go anyway near poor Parthasarathy. His investment banking job doesn't help either. His employer loves him though. He has no personal life you see. By this time the Sanjay Singhs and Bobby Khans from his class have small businesses of their own and spend 60% of their lives in discos and pubs. The remaining 40% is spent coochicooing with leather and denim clad muses in their penthouse flats on Nepean Sea Road. Business is safely in the hands of the Mallu manager. After all with a name like Blossom Babykutty he cant use his 30000 salary anywhere. Blossom gave up on society when in school they automatically enrolled him for Cookery Classes. Along with all the girls.

Yes my dear reader, nomenclature is the first nail in a coffin of neglect and hormonal pandemonium. In a kinder world they would just name the poor southern male child and throw him off the balcony. "Yes appa we have named him Goundamani..." THUD. Life would have been less kinder to him anyway.

If all the women the Upadhyays, Kumars, Pintos and, god forbid, the Sens and Roys in the world have met were distributed amongst the Arunkumars, Vadukuts and Chandramogans we would all be merry casanovas with 3 to 4 pretty things at each arm. But alas it is not to be. Of course the south Indian women have no such issues. They have names which are like sweet poetry to the ravenous Northie hormone tanks. Picture this: "Welcome, and this is my family. This is my daughter Poorni (what a sweet name!!) and my son Ponnalagusamy (er.. hello..).." Cyanide would not be fast enough for poor Samy. Nothing Samy does will help him. He can pump iron, drive fast cars and wear snazzy clothes, but against a braindead dude called Arjun Singhania he has as much chance of getting any as a Benedictine Monk in a Saharan Seminary.

Couple this with the other failures that have plagued our existence. Any attempt at spiking hair with gel fails miserably. In an hour I have a crown of greasy, smelly fibrous mush. My night ends there. However the Northy just has to scream "Wakaw!!!" and you have to peel the women off him to let him breathe. In a disco while we can manage the medium hip shake with neck curls, once the Bhangra starts pumping we are as fluid as cement and gravel in a mixer. Karan Kapoor or Jatin Thapar in the low cut jeans with chaddi strap showing and see through shirt throws his elbows perfectly, the cynosure of all attention. The women love a man who digs pasta and fondue. But why do they not see the simple pleasures of curd rice and coconut chutney? When poor Senthilnathan opens his tiffin box in the office lunch room his female coworkers just disappear when they see the tamarind rice and poppadums. They have all rematerialised around Bobby Singh who has ordered in Pizza and Garlic bread. (And they have the gall to talk of foreign origin.)

How can a man like me brought up in roomy lungis and over sized polyester shirts ever walk the walk in painted on jeans (that makes a big impression) and neon yellow rib hugging t shirts? All I can do is don my worn "comfort fit" jeans and floral shirt. Which is pretty low on the "Look at me lady" scale, just above fig leaf skirt and feather headgear a la caveman, and a mite below Khakhi Shirt over a red t shirt and baggy khaki pants and white trainers a la Rajni in "Badsha".

Sociologically too the Tamil or Mallu man is severely sidelined. An average Tamil stud stays in a house with, on average, three grandparents, three sets of uncles and aunts, and over 10 children. Not the ideal atmosphere for some intimacy and some full throated "WHOSE YOUR DADDY!!!" at the 3 in the morning. The Mallu guy of course is almost always in the gulf working alone on some onshore oil rig in the desert. Rheumatic elbows me thinks.

Alas dear friends we are not just meant to set the nights on fire. We are just not built to be "The Ladies Man". The black man has hip hop, the white man has rock, the Southie guy only has idlis and tomato rasam or an NRI account in South Indian Bank Ernakulam Branch. Alas as our destiny was determined in one fell swoop by our nomenclature, so will our future be. A nice arranged little love story. But the agony of course does not end there. On the first night, as the stud sits on his bed finally within touching distance and whispers his sweet desires into her delectable ear, she blushes, turns around and whispers back "But Amma has said only on second saturdays..."

In one last effort here we attractive young men have taken on alter egos which may interest some of you women:

1. Gautam Kumar Raja, will now be known as Joshua Perreira
2. Sidin Sunny Vadukut, henceforth will be known as Dev Chopra
3. Ashwath Venkataraman is now Vijay Desai
4. Sudarshan Ramakrishnan no more, from now he is Barath Sharma
5. Gautam Chandrasekharan will now respond to Alyque Shah

Do mail me any time for a meeting with one of the above. One week notice if Italian or Chinese food is involved, or if the individual is expected to dance.
--- End Blog Article ---

...And hey...just as a big FYI...
My 'Northie' tastebuds are suckers for South Indian food
(And no. No sexual innuendos here. Sorry.)
This includes poppadums, coconut chutney, peanut chutney, dosas, upma, poha, rasam, uttapum, idlis, sambar, chana batura, and anything that the mind is forgetting to mention.
I'm just saying.
I wouldn't mind sharing or swapping lunch, if you know what I mean.
(No. Still no sexual innuendos waiting to be decryptopervulated, you perv.)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

An *Attempted* Ode to my Wonder Years Crush

Despite all these years, my hots for Steve Urkel from Family Matters have not faded one bit. Yes, I know some people may be surprised to learn this, I can see eyebrows raising, jaws dropping. But let me clarify all the solid characteristics that Steve always adhered to which made him a winner in my books.

He's disgustingly smart
He's inventive
He's irresistably sexy
Those eyes. Yes, all 4 of them
He's got a wicked sense of humor
He knows just what to say
He knows how to appreciate you
He can be serious
He's got wit
He's got style
He doesn't let his ego get in the way of doing the right thing
He's a family man
He's persistent
He is consistent
He truly knows how to treat the ladies
He can cook
He optimistic
He's got confidence
He's emotionally stable
He's not afraid to express his feelings
Even if it made him look vulnerable
Even if it got his ass kicked
AND such incredible morals!

Cassie Lynn: Look, Becky Sue. Poor Laura has worked so hard and now she has to drop out of the race.
Laura: What are you talkin' about?
Cassie Lynn: Well, we just got some really hot photos of you being romanced by the Prince of Passion here.
Steve Urkel: What? She just slipped and I caught her. That's all.
Cassie Lynn: Becky Sue! We should put those pictures in the school paper.
Becky Sue: Oh, we couldn't do that. Everyone would think that Laura is in love with Steve Urkel and no one would vote for her.
Steve Urkel: But, I told you. I just caught her, that's all.
Cassie Lynn: That may be what happened, but that won't be what the people believe. They just love juicy gossip.
Laura: You wouldn't dare.
Cassie Lynn: Try me. You've got twenty-four hours to drop out of the race or we publish the picture.
Steve Urkel: Why you...
[Both leave laughing]
Steve Urkel: Why, come back here, you little hussy! Nobody threatens my woman!
Laura: Steve. Steve! STEVE!
Steve Urkel: Wha-at?
Laura: Will you calm down?
Steve Urkel: Calm down? Why that low-down-cheap-bunder-headed-mud-slinging-bush-wacking-slanderous-snake-in-a-skirt is blackmailing you!
Laura: I know!
Steve Urkel: Why, to make everyone think that the woman I love actually loves me back? Why, how low can you get?

Wow Steve. Men like him were limited editions. They are just not made anymore. And now for some words of wisdom from Steve. Take notes, people, take notes!

Laura: Well, Steve, I’ve been trying to convince Waldo that girls find him attractive. I couldn’t turn right around and refuse to go out with him.
Steve Urkel: Oh, why not? You refuse to go out with me for the last decade!
Laura: Well, that’s because you have self-confidence. I can turn you down without destroying your ego.
Steve Urkel: Well, isn’t that just a FIIIINE kettle of fish? I’m getting penalized because I’m emotionally stable!

Seasons later, moral of the story came to pass that he got the girl. Oh, that's the one I forgot to list...

He's an inspiration. Truly.

Apart from inspiring me to wear oversized pants minus the suspenders with belts to hold them up along with a very distinguished striped shirt, Steve teaches one to have the faith and determination, to believe in themselves and their emotions and not a single person, thing, or little rejection could sway him out of it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Peddling Crack for the Ears: Madonna's 'Devil Wouldn't Recognize You'

Eternally badass Madonna does it again.


As quiet as it is tonight
You almost think you were safe
Your eyes are full of surprises
They cannot predict my fate
Waiting underneath the stars
There's something you should know
The angels they surround my heart
Telling me to let you go

I bet he couldn't
I bet he couldn't recognize
But I played right into it
Who am I to criticize
Somehow I'll get through it
And you won't even realize
Falling through your own disguise

It's like over and over
You're pushing me right down to the floor
I should just walk away
Over and over I keep on coming back for more
I play into your fantasy
And now that it's over
You can lie to me right through your smile
I've seen behind your eyes
Now I'm sober, no more intoxicating my mind

Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
I do, I do

You almost fooled yourself this time
Let all the saints be praised
You hide your sadness behind your smile
And you keep your lost heartbreaks
The steps that edge along the ledge
Is much higher than it seems
But I've been on that ledge before
You can't hide yourself from me

I bet he couldn't
I bet he couldn't recognize
I still played right into it
Who am I to criticize
Somehow I'll get through it
And you won't even realize
Falling through your own disguise

It's like over and over
You're pushing me right down to the floor
I should just walk away
Over and over I keep on coming back for more
I play into your fantasy
And now that it's over
You can lie to me right through your smile
I've seen behind your eyes
Now I'm sober, no more intoxicating my mind

Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, but I do
I do, I do


It's like over and over
You're pushing me right down to the floor
I should just walk away
Over and over I keep on coming back for more
I play into your fantasy
Now that it's over
You can lie to me right through your smile
I've seen behind your eyes
Now I'm sober, no more intoxicating my mind

Even the devil wouldn't recognize you, you...
(but I do, but I do)

Even the devil wouldn't recognize you

I, I, I, I, I, I do

Monday, June 23, 2008

Old but Gold - Why Guys Don't Write Advice Columns

Dear Smarty Pants:
The other day I set off for work and left my husband in the house watching the TV. I had gone about a mile from the house when my engine started coughing and conked out. I walked back home only to find out that my husband was making love to our neighbor. My husband is out of work and says that he is depressed. I love my husband but I don't know if I can trust him anymore. What should I do?

Dear Frustrated
A car can stall because of a variety of reasons. There can be debris in the fuel line or the fuel pump itself could be faulty. The computer can be out of whack or the water pump may have broken. To find the exact cause of the failure you should find a reputable mechanic in your area.

I hope this helps

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Genuine FTW!!! (For The Win)

So someone brought this article to my attention which spurred an interesting conversation about one of my favorite topics - the dysfunctional dating rituals of men and women.

Before I continue, let me just paste the text from the article below:

Dating Secrets Exposed: Why Nice Guys Finish Last
By April Masini

Are you a nice guy who has always wondered why the cocky guy -- the one who barely appears interested in the girl -- is usually the one who gets the girl?
Have you suffered from hearing the words, "You're a really nice guy, but I only like you as a friend," from a woman who you would do (or may, in fact, have already done) just about anything and everything for -- only to turn around and watch her date (or even chase) a guy who treats her like she's nothing special? And are you stumped wondering why she would date a guy who treats her like that when she could have you who would treat her like a princess and give her everything she wants? Well, you better brace yourself because I'm going to tell you a couple of secrets that you might not want to hear.

First, "nice" equates with boring and predictable. Look up "nice" in the dictionary and you find: pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory. In other words, average -- not exceptional, not exciting, and not sexy.I'll bet you've never heard a woman say she didn't want to date a guy because he was too confident, too passionate, or too exciting -- have you? But, I'll bet you have heard women say things like, "He's such a nice guy. He's so sweet and he's always there for me, but I only like him as a friend." Or, "He's such a good guy -- kind, thoughtful, generous, honest, loyal -- but there's no chemistry. He just doesn't turn me on." Sadly, I hear it all the time. The fact is, Mr. Nice Guy, you cannot bore a woman into feeling attracted to you or into wanting to date you. And as obvious as that sounds, if you are one of those guys I described that is exactly what you are trying to do. And it won't work.

Please understand that I am not suggesting that you mistreat women or disrespect them in any way.

What I'm suggesting is that you value and respect yourself more.
To illustrate what I mean: The answer to the question, "Why does the guy who doesn't appear to care as much about the girl get the girl?" is simple: The nice guy cares too much, too soon. He has made the woman too important and too valuable and it shows in everything he says and does. He is too available, too eager to please, too accommodating, and he gives too much -- all without getting anything in return. By doing so, he has made himself appear desperate, insecure, needy of this woman's attention, affection, and approval -- and he has stripped himself of any value in her eyes. After all, if he's already doing and giving everything, without her doing or giving anything - why would she value him? She won't. She is not going to value him any more than he values himself. What she is going to do is look for someone else, someone who she perceives as being more worthy, more confident, and more valuable.

Once you need something, or you want it too badly, you forfeit your strength and lose all power of negotiation. You are in a position of weakness and you are perceived as weak. Someone (or something) else is in control of you, the situation, and it's outcome. Men in this situation appear to be anything but confident, strong, and exciting. More, they are perceived as being unworthy and as lacking value.

Translation: Things that are easily acquired, obtained, or maintained, without any effort or sacrifice, lack value... it's human nature.

The secret to why the cocky guy wins with women, over the nice guy, is that he is perceived as being a stronger, more confident guy with more value. How? He never invests everything -- his entire being, ego, and self-worth in what one woman's response or reaction to him is. He doesn't gush with compliments; he isn't always available; he doesn't give too much; and he knows he isn't going to die if a woman says "no" to him. More, his attitude is, yeah, I'd like to go out with you, but if I can't, that's OK -- I'm a busy guy, with exciting things going on, and lots of other options.

---- END ARTICLE ----

But do either parties really understand the underlying concept behind this?

Is it as Freud tried to explain - because women by nature are 'submissive' and are supposed to gravitate towards a guy who mistreats them as being worthless?

Does a guy then go deviate away from his true self to mistreat a woman because it shows that he is confident?

What is being interpreted as mistreatment anyway? Is mistreatment the capacity to say no to doing something someone is genuinely not interested in?

Does ignoring your true expectations to put on a mask of being "nice" give someone leverage over the situation? Does it oblige the other party into compromising and agreeing? Isn't this then just another form of exerting control as subtle as it is?

Now a response to this article that someone made...which is awesome was

"Expecting a woman to fuck you because you're a nice guy is like expecting a bear not to eat you because you're a vegetarian."

This article was actually a pretty controversial article in my mind because it is so half-baked. Though it brought up a few good points which I agree with, it's too bad that this "exposing insight" frames the entire fault here as being on the guy who is being nice. It fails to mention and clarify a few other points.

Being nice if you are being genuine about it is not a problem. Of course, if you are being genuine, then you most likely are not always a goody goody nice person all the time. There tends to be a balance.

To me, this article ought to have highlighted and explained more about having a genuine sense of self, knowing what you want, adhering to it and not settling for anything less. If you are willing to let someone else determine this and dictate it for you - even if it's your significant other or your parents, then that's where problems begin to really occur. If one tries to please too many people and are operating under a misguided conception that they are being "selfless because they love" and "a good noble person about it" whereas it ultimately ends up not satisfying you completely despite the attempts to convince yourself that it is "enough". The expectations for reciprocation are still definitely there, even if they remain unsaid. Instead, by continuing down that path, they already begin to set their roles for the prospective relationship even before it has begun.

Another important point that I felt this article could have highlighted is the question of emotional maturity. If someone is too emotionally immature to understand and appreciate the value of a person who is genuine (NOTE: I said genuine. Not "nice" because it is useless if it requires facades or filters..but genuine in the sense of consistently being upfront and honest - through and through because THIS is what shows confidence and comfort with their own individuality but they don't necessarily have to be an asshole about it). Anyway, back to point.

It's rare for emotionally immature people to ever get to the point where they can truly appreciate someone's worth no matter what you do. Even the 'hard to get' chase games become pointless because you have to fuel the chase which is what they're really buying into and the best it can afford is the desired person's temporary interest in you.

Usually, if the pursuer must have to play tons of games to win someone's affection, then it usually means that the pursuer has to keep up and continue playing those games in order to keep a hold on that affection, or risk losing the desired individual's interest altogether - which is inevitable in most cases. But of course, there are a few exceptions where once the desired individual's interest has been won over, then they have the maturity to realize that the person who pursued them is a keeper and will understand/respect it enough to continue a relationship.

I love the extremities which occur when it comes to both men and women. There are the people who are nice to a fault - who will say yes to everything and dismiss it by convincing themselves that "oh boo hoo, look i gave them everything, and how did they repay me?" as depicting themselves to be "noble, selfless, and good"...well, if they REALLY had done those things out of the goodness of their heart and without expectation - then logically, they would not be so disappointed.

Accept the fact that you have a degree of expectations from people and not everyone can conform to those expectations. What you decide to do with them after this is up to you. It's human. It's normal. It's FINE to have expectations for yourselves. Even a basic thing like 'respect' is also an expectation that you feel you deserve from people. Accept that it is and do not settle for anything less than that or else you will be just lying to yourself about being satisfied. It shows sooner or later.

Then you also get those people who emphasize their assholish side under the notion that this means they have enough confidence to know what they want and will treat everything else like a lesser priority (aka shit). The amusing part is when they try to emphasize their assholish sides to win over the woman's affections.

If someone is a good judge of character, then they will ultimately be able to call out your bluff fairly early on whether its about you being superficially nice or being superficially assholish... because conclusively, if you are not being genuine then you are not being true to yourself, your actions are reflecting that you are not being true to yourself, and you project yourself as being someone that you are not just to attract someone's attention and please them into giving you a chance. Personally, I as an individual and a woman do not respect this trait and nor do I gravitate towards it. I find it untrustworthy, erratic, distasteful and even repulsive. I also notice that these people attract a strange variety of manipulative control freaks who will try their best to mold them into what THEY see as being fit. Not a great thing to go through, but hell, people go with it because it 'eases their lonliness' even if it's at the cost of their own sense of self and peace of mind.

Sure, you may try your luck at fooling people and even get away with it for a bit, but reality sets in inevitably, you will revert back to being who you truly are and sooner or later, this must be both confronted and accepted.

You're eventually gonna be screwed if you deviate away from being yourself. So please people, before anything, just realize your true sense of self, accept what it is that it wants, and adhere to it. Be genuine. If you cannot even be genuine to yourselves, how can you expect others to be genuine to you?

No wonder there are so many failed marriages at this day and age!